Exams and coursework

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Here's what some pupils say about exams and cousework for the GCSE. Which words are right?

pupil no. 1
It's good that GCSE grades don't only (hängt ab von) exams. I get nervous when I (hinein gehen) an exam room.
My brain stops working and I can't (denken an) anything at all.

pupil no. 2
There's too much coursework. We have to (arbeiten an) some many different projects.
We aren't allowed to (vergessen) the GCSE, even for a minute.
I can't (nicht erwarten) next summer when it'll all be over.

pupil no. 3
I think coursework is good. You can (reden mit) the teacher and (fragen nach) help.
It gives you a better chance of a good grade. Exams are OK, but they
can't test everything that you (wissen über) a subject.